Medical, Medical equipment

The Reasons To Use Abdominal Compression Garment

An abdominal binder is a unique abdominal compression garment that you wear around your waist. Available for purchase from Indigo Garments, a well-fitted, customized abdominal compression garment helps you recover from childbirth, and helps your body to heal.

Reasons for wearing abdominal compression garments

There are various reasons for using abdominal compression garments. As an essential tool for your post-childbirth recovery process, our abdominal compression garments help your body to heal. Made to your unique specifications, our range of fully customizable abdominal compression garments are manufactured by hand, using textiles containing 90% polyamide and 10% elastane. You may need to wear an abdominal compression garment if:

• You are recovering from childbirth, a caesarean section, or abdominal surgery.
• Your abdominal section requires more support.
• Your surgeon has recommended pressure treatment to help your body heal, post-surgery.
• You need to reduce swelling within your abdominal muscles and torso. Using an abdominal compression garment helps to stimulate your circulatory system.

At Indigo Garments, our abdominal compression garments are manufactured in accordance with your body’s unique measurements and your specific needs. Placing emphasis on comfort and luxury, our range of abdominal compression garments are not bulky or uncomfortable to wear, nor are they manufactured too tightly.

After childbirth, whether you delivered naturally or via caesarean section, your uterus takes time to contract and return to its previous size. Moreover, as your body works to heal after childbirth, your organs also re-shape themselves back into position, as your uterus contracts. This process can take up to six weeks or more, and wearing an abdominal compression garment can help to speed the process up. Most importantly, wearing an abdominal compression garment after childbirth gives your spine and lower back the right kind of support, while also helping to reduce any pain you may be experiencing from your caesarean scar. Your ability to heal after childbirth, without being overly reliant on painkillers or other medications, will help both you and your newborn child.

If you’re looking for the right kind of support after giving birth, give Indigo Garments a call on 1 (844) INDIGO 7. Our team of experts is ready to help you recover after childbirth. More info at Facebook & Instagram